How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast" Abdominal fat can be unsightly and perhaps will be difficult to get rid of it

15 Tips Diets for Quick Weight Loss - Diets and Weight Loss Fast

15 Tips Diets for Quick Weight Loss - Diets and Weight Loss Fast 15 Plans You May Reduce Your Weight Fast. Lest Follow this instruction and guidelines and Loss Your weight

10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed - 10 easy tricks to lose weight

10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed - 10 easy tricks to lose weight Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed !! 10 easy tricks to lose weight 10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed.

Top 9 Way To Treatment Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer? The breast is a gland comprised of breast tissue itself (which is formed by lobes) and support a called connective tissue and fat

Diagonsis and Treatment of Weight Loss in The Clinic

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF WEIGHT LOSS IN THE CLINIC When a patient comes at a weight loss before undertaking.

Unintentional Weight Loss | How to Loss Your Weight | Losing weight without trying

Unintentional weight loss It is a decrease in body weight, when you are not looking to lose weight. Many people gain or gain weight.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed - 10 easy tricks to lose weight

10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed - 10 easy tricks to lose weight

  • Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed !!

  • 10 easy tricks to lose weight

  • 10 Tips to Lose Weight in a Week 'Guaranteed !!

Is it possible to lose weight in a week  ? How and how many kilos can lose in a week?10 easy tricks to lose weight Slimming requires a lot of sweat and discipline, may you be one of those people who has a hard time doing sports or take care of their nutritional habits, if so, you should know that there are other simple ways you can lose weight progressively.

As for how much you can lose kilos a week, it would be advisable to around 0.5 to 1 kilo a week , that amount can get lost over the weeks. If you're going to start changing your habits, eating better to exercise, you can exceed that amount in the first few weeks, but in the following logical thing would you to move in that amount, 0.5 to 1 kilo.

Using these 10 little tricks daily, you get to lose weight without dieting or sport.

Come up with 10 tips to lose weight to help you achieve your goal in a healthy way.

ways to drink more water

1. Drink before each meal with a glass of water:

It consists of drinking a glass of water before each meal, this way, you will feel more hydrated and more satiated, which will help prevent overeat. It is proven by studies, that people who apply this trick able to reduce 400 calories each day, certainly a great help to achieve your goal.

In this article you can see how to use water to lose weight.

2. Move to the stevia: 

Sugar in food and drink is one of the great responsible for many diet plans fail. If you need to sweeten your meals using stevia , it is a no - calorie sweetener, so you'll be lowering the calories you eat in the day, one of the keys to losing weight. 

If you're looking for foods you should eat, check out the following article: The 20 most friendly foods on the planet to lose weight

Chocolate diet

3. Head over to black chocolate :

Much of the world 's women need sweets daily, treat yourself to put your endorphins through the roof, many use chocolate fad for now, if your case uses the black chocolate, you have better nutrients to strengthen your health, such as antioxidants and also get fewer calories. 

4. Controls with rations:

If you want to lose weight, watch the portions that you get at every meal. Measured quantities, use smaller plates to eat the entire amount not usually carry a large dish, a cultural theme we used to eat us everything we put on the plate, so if this is smaller will be reducing calories.

5. Move more: 

Although you're not much to do sport, if you can choose to move a little more to Vibratory platforms exercisesburn some extra calories. Take breaks at work to walk around the office, choose to climb stairs instead of taking the elevator, leaving the car every day a little farther from work to walk more, with these simple changes, you'll be burning extra calories.

6. Do not drink calories: 

Many people fail to lose weight because of the calories in their drinks. It is important to be aware that not only we take calories from what we eat, what we drink also. Head over to the water, you can add flavor with a little cucumber, lemon or mint, in order to save calories.

7. Avoid starving:

To lose weight you do not need to starve, it is more, it is impossible to achieve our goal if we go through life hungry. Eat 5 meals a day, every 3 hours for example, thereby avoid low blood sugar levels, which sooner or later would be fatal to your goal of losing weight.

8. Eat food high in protein and fiber: 

These foods will be perfect to achieve your goal because you will feel more satiated throughout the day, so avoid eating extra much protein you need
It is proven by studies a diet rich in protein and fiber help you lose more weight . It is key to start the day with a breakfast high in protein , thereby feel more satiety the day.

9. No afternoons options :

Your dinner having at most 25% of calories a day, and you must do about 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. Eating too much can cause you problems with digestion, a bad break and accumulate the extra calories as fat, as no burn before falling asleep.

Sleep and weight control: 

10. Sleep more :

Lack of sleep causes us to eat more during the day and we do not have energy to do sport or move, you should try at least sleep about 7 hours a day, if you can more better, this will be perfect for your physical target.

One last gift " How Exercise Helps Lose Weight" The Shocking Truth 

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Gay Men to Get Vaccinated Against Meningitis-Amid the outbreak, health authorities urged

Gay Men to Get Vaccinated Against Meningitis-Amid the outbreak, health authorities urged 

Health officials in the counties of Los Angeles and Orange recommended that all gay and bisexual men be vaccinated against meningitis, amid an outbreak of the potentially fatal disease, which disproportionately affects men who have sex with mens.

Local health departments had previously recommended vaccination only for people considered high risk, such as men who are HIV positive. "We recognize that this extends our previous recommendations, but after careful consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and health authorities in our jurisdictions, we believe that it needs to expand vaccination to suppress this outbreak," he said Dr. Jeffrey Gunzenhauser, interim health officer LA County, a statement that was released Tuesday.

LA County there have been 13 cases of meningitis this year, not counting recorded in Long Beach and Pasadena, which have their own health departments. Seven cases of LA were detected in men who have sex with men.

The county health department reported only 12 diagnoses of Meningococcal disease throughout 2015, and only one of them was identified as a gay or bisexual man.

Today, authorities are unsure of why gay men are disproportionately targeted by this outbreak. Meningitis is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Meningitis , which is transmitted through saliva by close contact, such as kissing, coughing or sharing drinks. Your symptoms begin quickly and include nausea, vomiting andm confusion. If not treated promptly, the infection can cause brain damage, seizures or even death within a few hours.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Top 9 Way To Treatment Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer

What is breast cancer?

The breast is a gland comprised of breast tissue itself (which is formed by lobes) and support a called connective tissue and fat. Milk is produced in the lobules of the breast tissue and ducts driven to its exit from the nipple.

The breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast tissue (although there may be tumors in the supporting tissues, but are not true breast cancers). If the tumor is contained in the lobes and ducts, it is called "in situ" or non - invasive. If tumor cells run off ducts and lobules, the tumor is invasive.

Cancer treatment, specifically the breast, in Spain is exemplary and its evolution is constant. In this article, not intended to be exhaustive approach of the most recent and sophisticated techniques, we explain the most common treatments.

  1. Surgical treatment

It may be a removal of the tumor along with a small amount of surrounding tissue of normal appearance (thus preserving almost all breast) or complete removal of the breast (mastectomy) be necessary. Practiced either intervention depending on several factors, one of the most common is the tumor size.

If the nodule is small, it can be removed without touching much nearby tissue, it is what is known as lumpectomy or conservative surgery. The removal may be preceded, or not, of a chemotherapy treatment, according to the oncologist. If the tumor is large, or the breast is small, it may not be possible to preserve the chest, because it will be necessary to remove large quantity. For this reason, we will proceed to completely remove it by mastectomy.

Once the tumor and surrounding tissue excised, they are examined both by microscope . There are cases where the surrounding tissue is abnormal, so the patient must be reoperated. It is what is known as enlargement.

Cases where a mastectomy is usually required can be summarized in the following:

In addition to removing the breast or the tumor, often also remove lymph in the armpit on the same side of the body, as this area is usually the first to be affected by tumor spread beyond the breast. The number of nodes that are removed is very different in each patient and surgical team. Currently, techniques radio labeling, some groups of surgeons remove only one node that is being studied, called "sentinel node," which is the one that predicts the state are others, and prevent the removal of more nodes if it is not affected by the tumor.

In patients in whom had to be made subsequent mastectomy breast reconstruction is possible through plastic surgery. Some surgeons try it in the same surgery, and other patient wait for the end of the other treatments, if surgery will be complemented with someone else. The results are usually satisfactory, and there is no evidence that breast reconstruction makes it more likely the recurrence of breast cancer. Nor it will make it more difficult to detect cancer in the event being played.

The tumor is too large to be removed completely and the chest is a reasonably correct aesthetic appearance.
There is more than one tumor in the same breast.
The tumor is located just below the nipple.
The patient has been operated above a lumpectomy or wide excision, and the tissue surrounding the cancer is abnormal.

Know more:

  • Watch our ' Cancer ' other articles of interest:
  • Breast cancer
  • Breast cancer in men

Of interest

  • Cancer and Chemotherapy
  • Cancer and radiotherapy
  • Pain and cancer
  • Control the adverse effects of chemotherapy

2. Radiotherapy:

Studies indicate that patients treated with conservative surgery should receive radiation therapy to the affected breast after surgery. Often applied daily sessions (Monday through Friday) for about five weeks. If the patient underwent breast removal (mastectomy), radiation therapy is usually applied only in cases deemed risk of recurrence of tumor. The sense of radiotherapy is to end the malignant cells the surgeon can not see, and have been in the area of the primary lesion after surgery. Side effects that will appear on the breast are primarily skin redness, inflamed appearance and loss of some layers of the skin, especially in the final treatment sessions. It is important that the patient follow the instructions of doctors and nurses for care of the skin in that area.

3. Treatment of early breast cancer

We can make a local treatment, ie, the area where the tumor is confined; or systemic treatment, it ie throughout the body, trying to destroy any cells that may have escaped to other areas. Local treatment is surgical and radiotherapeutic.

4. Drug treatments

Drugs called chemotherapeutics act on tumor cells that may have spread through the body. In some patients, this spread of cancer cells can not be detected with any diagnostic method. Medicines can destroy these cells or keep them from growing for a period of longer or shorter time. The chemotherapy may be given before or after surgery or radiation therapy. In cases where it is applied before, his intention is usually to decrease the size of primary tumor, to allow better surgical or radiotherapy treatment. In addition to chemotherapy, there are also other drugs against tumor cells: hormone preparations. These preparations are based on the property that some tumors grow in the presence of hormones, so that when administering the drug, the tumor stops growing.

5. Hormones

A significant number of breast cancers are sensitive or estrogen-dependent. This means that tumor cells need estrogen (hormone) to stay alive and grow. The withdrawal of estrogen the body or its inhibition is an effective system to stop the growth of these tumors. However, there are tumors that are independent of these hormones in the hormonal treatment does not give good results. There is also sensitive tumors other important female hormone: progesterone.

Tamoxifen: hormonal drug most frequently used in Spain for estrogen - sensitive tumors is Tamoxifen. It is an anti - estrogen (estrogen acts against). Some side effects of administration are flushing (reddening of the face), vaginal dryness and vaginal discharge. But the most important effect is that it can slightly increase the incidence of endometrial cancer , although we have to say that this risk is very low, and does not prevent its widespread use. Very few women have had to discontinue treatment with tamoxifen because of side effects.

Aromatase inhibitors: Another type of hormonal drugs are called aromatase inhibitors, a major in the production of estrogen in women who have passed the enzyme menopause . Inhibitors block the enzyme and prevent estrogen production. Some of these drugs are letrozole, anastrozole, exemestane. Side effects may include redness, nausea and lack of appetite. Occasionally, patients have had to abandon treatment for a sense of constant discomfort.

Ovaries in women who have not yet reached menopause, the main source of estrogens are the ovaries. So, to stop the production of these hormones can be used anti - hormonal medicines or even surgical removal of the ovaries. Both surgery and drugs as initial effect produce an appearance of menopausal symptoms: malaise, hot flashes, etc.

6. Chemotherapeutics

They are drugs that act against the tumor cell. Today usually preferred, being more effective, administration of several of these medicines, better than one. The problem presented is that they are not able to recognize accurately the tumor cells form, and also destroy part of healthy cells, causing the occurrence of secondary symptoms such as hair loss, skin (desquamation), nail or blood cells, causing anemia or decrease the body 's defenses (leukocytes).

The administration of chemotherapy is usually through an intravenous drip, sometimes without hospitalization (hospital or day treatment). The sessions last a few hours or cycles, and are usually administered every 21 days (3 weeks). Side effects depend on the drug administered, but usually tend to be hair loss, blood disorders, nausea, vomiting and a feeling of tiredness intense. There are cases where it does not appear any of these symptoms, and the patient tolerated chemotherapy well.

One of the side effects that are not due to chemotherapy drugs is weight gain in some patients. the drugs given together or after chemotherapy usually corticosteroids should be. Chemotherapy does produce premature menopause, and young women who still have menstruation, it usually disappears.

7.Treatment of locally advanced breast cancer

Some cases may be treated in the same way as early cancers, being possible quirúrica intervention. However, most patients often require chemotherapy previously followed by it, and / or radiotherapy. Similarly, the initial treatment may be radiotherapy, surgery and then and / or chemotherapy. This initial treatment is often routed to shrink the tumor, to facilitate later removal. Drug therapy may consist of hormonal treatment in cases of tumors with slow and sensitive growth hormones, or chemotherapy in cases of non-hormone-sensitive tumors, or rapid growth.

Prognosis of patients with early cancer
There are several factors related to breast cancer survival:

  • Tumor size: the smaller, the greater chance of survival.
  • Spread to lymph nodes: the greater the number of nodes in the armpit affected by tumor, the worse prognosis. Similarly, if there are more nodes removed from the armpit or in the opposite armpit or other areas of the body, also the prognosis is worse.
  • Microscopic tumor type: there are more and less aggressive.
  • Histological grade: the best prognosis are grade I and the worst prognosis, grade III.
  • If there are cancer cells in lymph or blood vessels, indicating worse prognosis.
  • If the tumor is rapidly growing worse prognosis.
  • The existence of sensitivity to hormones seems to give better prognosis.

8. Prognosis of patients with locally advanced cancer

These patients have a worse than those with early cancer prognosis. The local recurrence (in the same starting area) of the disease after treatment, is a problem even in patients who underwent drug treatment, surgery or radiotherapy. It improves prognosis in patients with a good response to initial treatment. In some cases, after chemotherapy, the treatment is so effective that when the surgery is done, it is not possible to identify cancer cells in the breast or lymph nodes.

9. Metastatic cancer prognosis

Metastasis is the spread of the tumor to other parts of the body, outside and from their place of origin. The prognosis is very poor in these patients, although depending on the affected area, the prolongation of survival is very variable, and can be years with palliative treatments.

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Diagonsis and Treatment of Weight Loss in The Clinic


When a patient comes at a weight loss before undertaking an extensive search it is important to check that there is indeed weight loss and measure the period in which it occurred.

Almost 50% of patients who claim to have experienced significant weight loss actually show no change in body weight that can be measured objectively.

It is not uncommon to see patients who have not noticed they have actually lost weight on relevant extent.

All major weight loss that a previously healthy person has not sought deliberately usually indicates the existence of a systemic disease.

Therefore it is important to systematically quantify consultation body weight of each patient.

As weight loss a symptom of another disease, treatment is based on correcting the disease that is causing the weight loss.

The normal individual maintains their body weight at a predetermined level of remarkable stability, given how much they vary daily caloric intake and activity level. Because of the physiological importance of conserving energy reserves, it is difficult to lose weight and keep it off voluntarily.

Weight loss occurs when energy consumption exceeds calories available for that purpose.

The mechanisms of weight loss are: the reduced food intake, malabsorption, and loss of calories increased energy requirements.

Unintentional Weight Loss | How to Loss Your Weight | Losing weight without trying

Unintentional weight loss

It is a decrease in body weight, when you are not looking to lose weight.

Many people gain or gain weight. Unintentional weight loss is the loss of 10 pounds (5 kg) or 5% of their normal body weight for 6 to 12 months or less without knowing the reason.

Causes: A loss of appetite can be caused by:

  • Feeling depressed
  • Cancer, even when no other symptoms
  • Chronic infections such as AIDS
  • COPD or chronic diseases such as Parkinson's disease
  • Drugs, including those used in chemotherapy, or Antithyroid drugs
  • Use of illicit drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine
  • Stress or anxiety

Chronic digestive system problems that decrease the amount of calories and nutrients your body absorbs, including:

  • Diarrhea and other infections that last long, as parasites
  • Chronic inflammation or infection of the pancreas
  • Removing any part of the small intestine
  • Overuse of laxatives

Other causes such as:

  • Nervosa eating disorders, anorexia has not been diagnosed
  • Diabetes has not been diagnosed
  • Overactive thyroid gland

Home Care:

Your health care provider may suggest changes in your diet and an exercise program depending on the cause of weight loss.

Call your provider

Call your health care provider:

You or a family member lose more weight than is considered normal for their age and height.
  • It has lost more than 10 pounds (5 kilos) or 5% of normal body weight in 6 to 12 months or less and there is no explanation.

  • There have been other symptoms with weight loss.

What to expect at the doctor's office

The health care provider will perform a physical exam and check your weight. They can ask questions about your medical history and symptoms, including:

  • How much weight have you lost?
  • When did you start weight loss?
  • Have you had weight loss suddenly or slowly?
  • Are you eating less?
  • Are you eating different foods?
  • Are you exercising more?
  • Have you been sick?
  • Do you have dental problems or mouth sores?
  • Do you have more stress or anxiety than usual?
  • Have you vomited? Did you make yourself vomit?
  • Do you have more energy lately?
  • Does it present fainting ?
  • Do you have occasional hunger uncontrollable with palpitations , tremors and sweating ?
  • Have you had constipation or diarrhea?
  • Does it present increased thirst or are drinking more?
  • Are you urinating more than usual?
  • Have you lost some hair?
  • What medications are you taking?
  • Do you suffer from severe depression?
  • Are you pleased or concerned with weight loss?

You may need to see a dietitian for nutritional counseling.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

!~!What is Breast Lumps? Get Information about Types of Breast Lumps

!~!What is Breast Lumps? Get Information about Types of Breast Lumps

What is a Breast Lump?

                 A lump in the breast is, in medical terms, a breast lump: a lump or tumor in the breast, palpable and can be painful. It is a very common reason for consulting the general practitioner or specialist. Most of these lesions in the breast are discovered by women themselves, often accidentally in routine self - examination , or when you have glandular discomfort and scanned. Other times, however, are a common finding in medical examinations or routine periodic review.

How does it manifest?

                   The first clinical manifestation is usually the appearance of one or more tumors in one or both breasts. Sometimes that or those tumors can be painful or accompanied by bloating or signs of inflammation, deformity of the breast, nipple retraction or secretion thereof.

How is it diagnosed?

             To a patient with a breast nodule, the fundamental basis for the initial approach is in achieving adequate clinical history. It is important to ask the patient risk factors, personal and family history of disease, especially breast, cancer medicines, gynecological and obstetrical history prior, the reason goes to the consultation and the context in which the visit takes place.

The next step in the study of this disease is the physical test that will try to collect as much information about the breast lump: number, location, size, shape, consistency, boundaries, mobility, date of onset or detection and your changes with the menstrual cycle other accompanying signs, etc. the existing above the clavicles and neck lymph nodes in the armpits and will also be examined.

Finally, we will resort to certain additional tests to help diagnose the tumor and especially to clarify the benign or malignant nature of the same:

  • Ultrasound , which will tell us if the nodule is solid or cystic features
  • Mammography
  • Puncture-FNA for cytology
  • Biopsy .

When should the patient see a specialist?
The first place comes a woman with a breast problem is usually to your family doctor, hence they should know these pathological anomalies and the mode of action with respect to them.

  1. In many cases the primary care physician can handle the problem, at least initially, especially
  2. In other cases, set forth below, the patient should be referred to hospital for specialized study:
  3. In young women more sensitive to pain (or with mild or moderate degrees of pain) with no palpable lesions nodules.
  4. In women under 50 years presenting nipple discharge without other associated problems and where the possibility that it is a side effect of a drug, for example suspected.
  5. How breast nodules treated?

Treatment depends on the diagnosis made after an exhaustive study of the breast lump. Treatment can range from drugs (eg antibiotics if a breast abscess or certain hormonal drugs is diagnosed in case of cystic breast disease) to various surgical procedures (lumpectomy or simple excision of the tumor while preserving the breast, in case of benign tumors until mastectomy or removal of the entire breast, where cancer).

In the male breast lump
Although less common, men can also have breast lumps that require study and treatment, in many cases similar to that discussed for breast nodule in women. The presence of any symptom or finding changes in the breast adult male, should suggest the possibility of a malignant tumor .

Most patients with the syndrome have a breast lump below the areola, hard and painless, 1 to 2 cm., Which adheres to the skin and causes retraction phenomena or nipple deviation.

If confirmed the existence of breast cancer in men after the appropriate studies, treatment is also surgical, with the removal of the breast.

final Thoughts
Breast examination by the patient herself, to discover changes in consistency of the mammary gland, nodules and even more subtle changes such as skin retractions. The great advantage of breast self-examination is that women learn to know your breasts.

Many patients go to their family doctor first when present a problem in their breasts. This should target the problem, solve it if you are trained or send the woman to a specialist when the situation demands. Before an irregular, hard, ill-defined and fixed to surrounding structures breast lump should always rule out breast cancer.

Nipple retraction, associated with eczema thereof and / or tumor behind the areola, should be suspected breast cancer. Ana Palacios Marqués , Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Hospital Marina Baixa (Villajoyosa, Alicante)

!!Bulimia Nervosa | Causes, Symptoms, Signs & Treatment Help*

!!Bulimia Nervosa | Causes, Symptoms, Signs & Treatment Help*

What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Bulimia is a disorder of eating behavior characterized by repeated episodes of overeating or excessive food intake and an exaggerated concern for weight control. This leads the patient to take extreme measures to counteract weight gain produced by overfeeding. Therefore, episodes of "binge" occurs, in which compulsively large amount of food ingested in a short time. These episodes often suffer them in secret. After binging, the patient often feels guilty about it and uses a series of inappropriate compensatory methods to prevent weight gain.
Despite being already recognized in ancient Greece, it was only identified and described as a disease with its own characteristics in 1979 by the English psychiatrist Gerald Russell. It is estimated that approximately 1% of the population suffers from this disease, although this figure may be an estimate below the reality. In fact, studies show that up to 7% of young women consulting their GP with symptoms of bulimia nervosa. It is much less common in males.

What are the symptoms of bulimia nervosa?
          According to the World Health Organization, the diagnostic criteria of bulimia nervosa are:

  1. 1.     Most patients with bulimia nervosa have a weight within normal limits, although some may be above or below.

  1.         persistent preoccupation with food along with an irresistible desire or compulsive overeating.
  2.     Supercharging episodes in which large amounts of food are consumed in short periods of time.
  3.          The patient attempts to counteract the impact of binge eating on weight by one or more of the following means: excessive exercise, vomiting self-induced after ingestion, prolonged periods of fasting or consumption of drugs such as laxatives, diuretics or appetite suppressants.

Excessive or morbid fear to obesity . This is also observed in anorexia nervosa. In fact, often bulimic patients have had previous episodes of anorexia nervosa.

Biological factors
          Several research studies have associated with bulimia nervosa alterations in several brain neurotransmitters (messenger substances are neurons use to communicate with each other) such as nor epinephrine, serotonin or endorphins. It has also been described a genetic vulnerability.

psychological factors
          During adolescence patients with bulimia nervosa often they exhibit behavioral disorders, so that may present other problems impulsivity (such as problems with alcohol , or other drugs ) sexual disinhibition, irritability or emotional liability high. Often these patients have low self - esteem associated; in fact, bulimia nervosa occurs more often in people with disorders depressive . Also they occur more frequently various personality disorders, especially borderline personality disorder.

Social factors
          As occurs in anorexia nervosa , bulimia nervosa patients often have a high school performance. Also important are the social and cultural pressures around to maintain a slim figure, although, as noted, most bulimic patients maintain a weight within normal limits. Also worth mentioning that bulimic patients often they perceive their parents as neglectful and feel rejected by them.

What are the causes of bulimia nervosa?
          The cause of bulimia nervosa is unknown, being generally a combination of biological, psychological and social factors:

Gastrointestinal problems
  • Damage to the teeth by stomach acid
  • Thickening of the salivary glands
  • Esophagi is (inflammation of the esophagus) and esophageal ulcers
  • Lesions in the stomach and intestine
Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Alterations in blood ions
  • Edema (fluid retention) in the legs
Urinary complications
  • Renal impairment
  • Urinary infections
Neurological and muscular problems
  • Contractures and muscle paralysis
  • epileptic seizures
  • endocrine disorders
  • Declines in female hormones
  • Ovarian atrophy
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • infertility
What is the evolution and prognosis of the disease?:
          While some cases of bulimia nervosa are short, usually symptoms occur months or years before the patient to seek help. As expected, patients who are able to engage in treatment are those with a better evolution. In about one third of patients can occur chronicity of any of the symptoms.

          The prognosis for bulimia nervosa will depend largely on the aftermath. Keep in mind that binging, but especially compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or I abuse laxatives or diuretics can lead to serious physical complications:

What is the treatment of bulimia nervosa?
          Treatment should be focused both to the symptoms of bulimia nervosa as to the associated physical and psychological disorders. Specific treatments for bulimia nervosa include both psychological therapies and drug treatments. However, as with most psychiatric disorders, it is the combination of both strategies which achieves a better response.

Usually, the treatment of bulimia nervosa patients must be performed on an outpatient basis. Hospital admission, preferably in specialized units is recommended only when they have been repeated failures by outpatient treatment and coexist physical or psychological problems that a more intensive treatment may require

psychological treatments
          Various psychological interventions are being used in the treatment of this disorder of eating behavior:

Also, self-help groups are useful for some.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: is the mode most commonly used psychological treatment for bulimia nervosa. This treatment modality has been made ​​from previously developed cognitive therapy for depression and other psychiatric disorders.
  • motivational therapy
  • interpersonal therapy
  •  Cognitive analytic therapy: is a therapeutic modality of short duration, usually between 16 and 20 sessions, which combines elements of cognitive therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapies orientation.
  •  Rational Emotive Therapy
  •  Family therapy: This is a fundamental element of treatment in a significant number of cases.
  • group therapy relapse prevention
  • Other therapies group
  •  drug treatments:

          Antidepressant drugs: in part due to the high frequency of depressive symptoms in bulimic patients are observed, antidepressants -well administered alone or in combination with some form of psychotherapy are most commonly used drugs in this disease. If are well multiple antidepressants that have been employed, such as amitriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, trazodone or phenelzine, are inhibitors of serotonin reuptake as fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline or citalopram those who have shown greater efficiency.

      Opioid antagonists: Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist which is commonly used to treat heroin addiction and alcohol also has shown some efficacy in the treatment of bulimia nervosa.

      Other drugs: such as fenfluramine, lithium, acamprosate or gabapentin may be useful in certain subgroups of patients.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Breast cancer - What is Breast cancer? | How To Cure Breast cancer ?

What is breast cancer?
The breast is a gland comprised of breast tissue itself (which is formed by lobes) and support a called connective tissue and fat. Milk is produced in the lobules of the breast tissue and ducts driven to its exit from the nipple.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast tissue (although there may be tumors in the supporting tissues, but are not true breast cancers). If the tumor is contained in the lobes and ducts, it is called "in situ" or non-invasive. If tumor cells run off ducts and lobules be invasive tumor.

Frequency of breast cancer
It is the most common cancer among women and affects approximately one million women worldwide. It is the malignant tumor that causes more deaths among women in Spain. Its incidence in our country is about 46 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and more than 15,000 cases / year ( it is estimated that one of every 11 to 12 women will develop breast cancer). Despite these figures, Spain is the second country in the European Union with the lowest incidence of breast cancer. In males can also occur this tumor, although its effects are much lower (it is a rare cancer in males): less than 1%. The cure rate is around 60%.

The incidence increases with age and doubles every 10 years until the menopause . With the highest incidence ages: 45-60 years. 75% of breast cancers occur in women over 40 years. It is estimated as a risk factor greater than 50 years old. This does not mean that breast cancer do not give in young women, but is much less common.

Geographic variation
It is less common in Asian countries (China, Japan), and more common in Western industrialized countries. Within the latter, it is less common in Latin or Mediterranean countries (Spain, Italy, Greece), which in Anglo-Saxon or Nordic countries.

Studies in Japanese women who emigrated to the United States show that the frequency of breast cancer in these women is raised to approach the American country in one or two generations. This indicates a possible relationship between environmental factors and the type of life with breast cancer.

Reproductive factors, pregnancy
Women with a first menstruation at an early age and late menopause are at increased risk of breast cancer. A menopause after age 55 gives twice as likely to develop breast cancer than women with menopause before 45 years of age.

The incidence of this disease is higher in women who have not had children and where the first pregnancy occurs late. It is estimated that the risk of breast cancer in women who had their first child after age 30 is almost twice those that were before age 20. The highest risk group is that of women who had their first child after 35 years.

It is estimated that up to 10% of breast cancers are hereditary. This hereditary factor can be transmitted by both parents, and some family members can pass the altered gene without themselves develop cancer. They are not known accurately set of genes involved in breast cancer, but some have been identified that play important role in these tumors as the BRCA gene.

previous breast diseases
Only the so-called atypical epithelial hyperplasia of the breast appears to increase the risk of breast cancer in women who have previously had.

Called ionizing radiation are known cause of development of breast cancer. This relationship is based on studies by mid-century with women or teenage girls who had received radiation to the chest by repeated exposures to X - rays as a diagnostic method or treatment. The risk of developing the tumor depends on the age at which received radiation dose received at each ray exposure and the number of times they were exposed (total dose).

Are ongoing studies are performed on breast cancer and the acquisition of fats in the diet of people. Some suggest that olive oil (the Mediterranean diet) helps reduce the risk of developing the tumor; however, are factors that still need further study and longer term. Lately, the way research is focusing on soy intake as protective against breast cancer.

The overweight
The overweight is associated with increased risk in postmenopausal women (up to twice the risk than non - obese).

The alcohol
The spirit does not seem to be a clear factor in the development of breast cancer, although some studies relate it so inconsistent. It can have more influence on snuff , especially in cases of younger women in whom not usually frequent breast cancer, and yet present.

There is great controversy over whether consumption of oral contraceptives increases the risk of breast cancer. Large studies fail to agree on a definitive form. As a guide, we can say that described a somewhat higher risk in people taking these medications, but that the risk is very small.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Other hormone preparations taking women make up what is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT) . These are hormones which are administered to menopausal women to relieve symptoms which occur in this period. With these hormones we are in the same situation as with oral contraceptives: studies give very different data arise, and do not allow to clarify in one hundred percent if this treatment is a risk factor for breast cancer or not.

We can say as a general rule that the evidence we have now suggest that HRT does not increase mortality from breast cancer, although we can not rule exhaustively for all women a slightly increased risk of disease treatment.

What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer? Breast lump
In some cases, the first symptom is the appearance of a lump in the breast . The first thing to consider, not scare us is that not all lumps or nodules that appear in the breast are breast cancer. The woman grooming note, in the shower, or get some clothes that rub on the package.

Skin changes
Sometimes women notice a change in the skin of the chest area, dimpled or wrinkled, that changes over time. In advanced cases, it can take on the appearance of the skin of an orange. Sometimes this area or the entire breast may redden, become enlarged (swollen).

Changes in the nipple skin
You may also notice changes in the skin of the nipple , which is inserted into the breast, which erodes or flakes (lose skin peeling), or have secretions by it, both milky, watery, or blood.

Nodal involvement armpit
Another sign that may appear is the one that leaves the involvement of lymph in the armpit, usually the affected breast: may receive one or more packages, which are only the nodes that have been thickened by tumor effect.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?
In the early stages of the disease, women do not experience any symptoms or apparent discomfort. So many breast cancers currently diagnosed, they are in women attending routine medical checkups or screening programs for breast cancer.

Physical exam
It consists of a first exploration, both general and both breasts, armpits and neck. This is achieved determine a lump in the breast or underarm lymph nodes.

We can say that are x - rays of the breasts. Possibly the best evidence for the study of these glands. Identify abnormal areas in the breast, but not always have to be breast cancer. You can give guidance on benign or malignant of these abnormal areas, but not complete security. In young women mammograms are not very aclarativas, due to the different breast density of these women compared to other older; for this reason it is not necessary or useful to practice routine mammograms this group of young women.

The ultrasound can help in the study, determining whether a nodule is solid or liquid, size, etc. They are not useful as definitive evidence, but they are to rule out other diseases, such as cysts.

Puncture-fine needle aspiration (FNA)
It involves inserting a needle into a nodule previously detected. This needle allows the collection of samples with cells of said node to be analyzed microscopically. Sometimes there are changes on mammograms but can not feel nodules, so it is necessary to perform this puncture mammographic or sonographic control.

It may be that as many abnormal cells for diagnosis necessary area. Then the doctor will use taking biopsy . It involves taking a sample of breast tissue for observation under the microscope. This process can be done under local or general anesthesia, depending on the situation of each patient and each case. There are times when it is decided to surgically remove the suspicious nodule, and analyze during the same surgery, so that whether to expand the surgical site, it can be done all at once, without having to return the patient to the operating room another moment.

How is breast cancer diagnosed?
If any of the changes just mentioned, it is important that women see your doctor. This can start a case study, to further tests then may have the specialist. In other cases, the doctor directly refers the patient to the specialist to be he who initiated the study.

Non-invasive carcinomas
Non-invasive carcinomas are those who have not exceeded some of the microscopic structures of the breast. Depending on where they originate, can be duct (intraductal) or lobular (Intralobular). In turn, ductal may have different microscopic varieties. This type of non-invasive carcinomas is rare that generate metastases, but can get to be invasive (exceeding those breast structures).

Invasive carcinomas
Are invasive tumors that have exceeded a kind of barrier in the structure of the breast. Among them we are:

The so-called invasive ductal, which is the most common type of all breast cancers (70-80%).
There is also lobular, much less frequent.
Medullary, mucinous, tubular, etc.: Other special types They are now less common.
Other malignant tumors
Other malignancies may occur in the breast, for example, those arising in the tissue that gives support to the mammary gland (connective tissue), and we call sarcomas. They are rare, and we can not say it properly breast cancer.

What types of breast cancer are there?
We can find different classifications of breast cancer, catering to different characteristics of the same. To avoid confuse us, we will discuss what are the most common types are in the Spanish population, leaving aside other more rare cases.

Early breast cancer
It is the one that is confined to the breast and / or underarm nodes on the same side of the body.

Locally advanced breast cancer
It affects areas of skin or chest wall near the breast ill, but has not spread beyond the breast and / or armpit. Their outlook is worse than the early type, and skin appearance is directly affected by the tumor, red, swollen. It is due to obstruction by cancer cells of liquid drainage channels chest (lymphatics), causing this inflammation can not drain area.

Advanced Breast Cancer
It is has spread beyond the breast and armpit, ie, it has spread to other areas or organs of the body. For example: neck nodes, bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

How is breast cancer treated?
The treatment depends on the type of tumor and the stage of the disease is: involvement of lymph nodes, spread to other organs, etc. For this reason, there are classifications of tumors depending on their length. To understand more easily, we can classify them into three groups:

Development of breast cancer
Initially, tumor cells are confined to the mammary ducts or lobules, which as we know denominate allow noninvasive or "in situ".

The two main types, the ductal and lobular, are different when examined microscopically, and also will be treated somewhat differently. Ductal complete treatment usually requires surgery and radiation or hormone treatment, whereas non-invasive lobular, only usually requires surgical removal, and some authors recommend only monitoring, without intervening.

The DCIS, if left untreated, gets to become invasive, spreading to the surrounding breast tissue. The period of time when this does occur, it seems from months to years, that is, it does not in days or weeks.

When has developed an invasive cancer is when there is risk that cancer cells spread to nearby lymph glands, being the first to be affected nodes in the armpit on the same side of the body. Another area in which the tumor can spread through the blood vessels: cells invade the small vessels that supply cancer, and from there can move to other body organs, causing so - called metastasis. The most frequent location areas of these metastases are: bone , lung, liver and brain.

Can cancer be prevented?
The fact of not knowing a single common cause for all breast cancers, causes can not avoid certainly acquiring this disease. However, there are a number of facts or factors that may help reduce the risk of acquiring, or even as they say vulgarly "catch him in time."

The breast examination selective (programs of early diagnosis or screening of breast cancer) can reduce mortality, but not the incidence of breast cancer, and only in the group of people with specific age when programs are made screening.

These screening programs, also called breast cancer screening, usually made frequently in Spain. His intention is to diagnose as early breast cancer, to allow treatment as quickly and efficiently as possible, thus attempting to reduce the risk of death from cancer female carrier. The age at which women should attend these programs is still being debated, and varies across countries. For example, the American Cancer Society recommends that women come from forty. In other countries, the recommendation is made from 45 or 50. There is also controversy about how often repeat the screening test (usually a mammogram), recommending each year, although depending on the age of the woman and the economic costs of screening programs in some areas are repeated every 2 or 3 years.

Women under 40 generally do not need to undergo such programs, since breast cancer below this age is rare (although we must not forget that cases occur in young girls), and also mammography in young women it does not provide as good information as in older women, due to the higher density of breast tissue in young women, and can lead to unclear diagnoses.

From here we recommend to women that are cited in these screening programs that come to get tested because they constitute a benefit for themselves.