How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast" Abdominal fat can be unsightly and perhaps will be difficult to get rid of it

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Monday, August 8, 2016

How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat For Men "Lose Belly Fat Fast"

Abdominal fat can be unsightly and perhaps will be difficult to get rid of it, but it is a problem that goes beyond your appearance. Carrying excessive weight in the central section is risky, especially for men. A circle in the larger waist (or the measurement around the central section), puts you at a higher risk of several chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and even certain cancers (such as colon cancer or rectum). you can reduce the amount of abdominal fat and the risks to lose weight. Make some changes in your diet and lifestyle to lose weight and keep a healthy lifestyle.

Part 1 of 3: Modify your diet to lose belly fat

1. Talk to your doctor: 

Talk to your doctor before starting any diet plan or physical activity. You can tell you if your plan is safe and appropriate for you.

  • Normally, excess abdominal fat is associated with many health problems, such as diabetes or heart disease. This makes it even more important that you inform your physician your plan and make sure it is safe for the conditions specific to your health.

2. Eat less carbohydrates:  

Studies have shown that foods rich in carbohydrates can cause an increase in body fat and waist circumference. Reduces the amount of these foods in your diet to help you lose weight and decrease the amount of your abdominal fat.

  • Limit your intake of empty carbohydrates like bread, rice, crackers or pasta. These foods are not necessarily unhealthy, especially if they are whole foods; however, they are not considered nutrient-rich foods.
  • If you are eating a food rich in carbohydrates, choose 100% whole food. These foods have higher amounts of fiber and some nutrients, and are considered a healthier option.
  • Whole foods are rice, bread and whole wheat pasta, barley or quinoa.
  • Your diet should consist primarily of lean protein, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products.

3. Consume enough protein: 

The protein - based foods can help men lose weight, reduce abdominal fat and maintain lean muscle mass. Consuming adequate amounts of protein also will help keep you satisfied longer.

  • Men should consume 50 to 60 grams of protein daily. Maybe you need a little more if you do a lot of physical activities. 
  • Lean proteins found in chicken, turkey, eggs, low fat dairy products, seafood, pork, lean beef and soy cheese. These foods give you the energy you need and help you stay full without you accumulate unnecessary calories.

4. Create a caloric deficit: 

Lower your total daily calories to help you lose weight. You can do this in two ways: by reducing the sizes of your portions and burning more calories through physical activity.
Start keeping track of how many calories you consume daily. Do not forget to include the calories in beverages, oils, dressings and sauces.

  • Start a food diary so you can track your consumption. Food online journals are designed to help people find the calorie content of the foods they eat, keep track of their consumption and even connect with other people who follow a diet.
  • The amount of calories you have to eat to lose weight will depend on your age, body type and level of physical activity. To lose 0.45 kg to 0.91 kg (1-2 pounds) per week, consuming 500 calories less per day. This range of weight loss is safe and suitable for most men.

5. Reduce your sugar intake:

Some studies have shown that consumption of sugar can lead to increased abdominal fat over time. Men who consume less sugar have a smaller circumference at the waist.

  • Products whose consumption should limit or discontinue are: sugary drinks, candy, cookies, cakes and other sweets, and foods made from white flour (such as white bread and pasta).
  • If you want to eat something sweet, eat a fruit or eat a very small portion of your favorite sweet.

6. Leave the alcohol: 

There is a reason that is called "beer belly". However, beer is not the only drink that increases abdominal fat. Some studies have shown that all types of alcohol can develop abdominal fat in men.

  • It is recommended that men drink no more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day.  However, if you want to reduce your abdominal fat, it is recommended that you stop drinking alcohol altogether.

Part 2 of 3: Include physical activity to reduce abdominal fat

1 Start exercising:

The exercise along with a diet low in calories will support and accelerate your weight loss by burning calories and boost your metabolism. Include cardiovascular exercise can help you lose weight and reduce your abdominal fat.

  • Some examples of cardiovascular exercises that burn calories are running, walking, biking and swimming. Your goal should be performed at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per week to benefit a little.
  • If you do not want to do exercises every day, then find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Get into the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking farther away from your destination.
  • It is extremely important that you exercise if you have a sedentary job.

2. It includes weight training:

As you grow older, it will be more difficult to decrease the amount of abdominal fat. In part, it is due to the natural decline in lean muscle mass as you age, but also because you store more fat around the middle section. To maintain lean muscle mass can help to prevent it .

  • Includes at least two days of weight training or resistance for 20 or 30 minutes each week.
  • It includes weight training dumbbells, weight classes, using weight machines or yoga.

3. It includes exercises that work your entire body. 

The training focused or concentrate only on exercises like abdominal or plates can help strengthen the muscles of the torso, but not to reduce your abdominal fat. Toning exercises develop strength and lean muscle mass, not decrease the fat stored around the middle section.

  • Concentrate on the overall weight loss. Change your diet includes adequate amounts of cardio. Then he begins to incorporate abdominal exercises into your routine to tone your midsection.

4. Find an exercise buddy. 

Having someone to accompany you in your exercises can make exercise more enjoyable. Some studies have shown that it is more likely to follow an exercise program and do exercises more often if you do it with a friend. 

  • If you're a competitive person, it can be difficult to compete with your friend to see who can reach your goal of weight loss first.

Part 3 of 3: Track your progress and keep you motivated

1. Weigh yourself. To eliminate or reduce abdominal fat you have to reduce your weight. 

  • To keep track of your weight loss, you should weigh yourself frequently.
  • It is better that you weigh once or twice a week. Also, weigh yourself the same day, at the same time and in the same clothes. 
  • Keep track of your weight in a journal. See your progress can motivate you to not get out of your way. You can also show any trend that you gain weight.

2. Take your measurements. In addition to weight loss, one of the best ways to measure your progress in your abdominal fat loss is keeping track of the circumference of your waist. This is the measure around the smallest part of your waist. As you decrease your abdominal fat, your waist circumference will be reduced. 

  • Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your waist at its widest part (about 2.5 to 5 cm below your navel).  Keep taking your measurements when you do diet to keep track of your progress.
  • A high waist circumference or a measure over 102 cm (40 inches) indicate that you have a lot of abdominal fat and run an increased risk of chronic diseases. 
  • Remember that muscle weighs more than fat; therefore, if you want to lose weight while you develop your muscles, the scale can be misleading. It is best to take a record of your progress to measure both your waist as your weight.

3. Make a list of other things to do instead of eating:

 Dieting can be difficult, especially when you see yourself constantly thinking about food or eating out of boredom. The best way to curb your appetite is keeping you busy and doing activities you like. 

  • Make a list of other activities to do can help you reduce your desire to eat snacks or boredom.  You must have this list handy for when you want to eat something.
  • Some things you can include are walking, reading a book, clean a multipurpose drawer, chat with a friend or family by phone or doing household chores.
  • If you're hungry and it is about time the food, eat it and then continues performing other activities. Do not keep eating.

4. Manage stress: 

When you have chronic stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which causes the body to store extra fat in the middle section.  In addition, extremely high levels of cortisol can increase hunger. 

  • Removes and controls things, people and stressful situations in your life. Learn how to better manage stress related to the elements of your life that you can not change (like your work). Meet with a coach or a professional therapist can give you other ways to manage stress.
  • Remember that although you can not always control your circumstances, you can control your reactions. The practice of mind and body, such as yoga and meditation help you learn how to relax your mind so you can cope better with stress, anxiety and depression.

Suggestion :  

  1. Drink plenty of water can help you lose weight to keep you full between meals. If you have trouble controlling your portions, then take two full glasses of water before each meal.
  2. If you work or if you are in school, then take your lunch instead of buying it. Not only will you save money but you will be much easier to control your portion sizes.
  3. Prepare dinner at home instead of eating out whenever possible, as most restaurants use too much butter, oil and salt in your meals, as even the healthiest options (such as salads) are full of calories. If you order a meal by phone, ask for salad dressings or sauces aside in order to reduce your calories.
  4. You should always talk to your doctor before any weight loss plan or physical activity.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

15 Tips Diets for Quick Weight Loss - Diets & Weight Loss Fast

15 Tips Diets for Quick Weight Loss - Diets & Weight Loss Fast

15 Plans You May Reduce Your Weight Fast. Lest Follow this instruction and guidelines and Loss Your weight.. Lets have a look

Plan No 1 : Fasting

How it works ?

Fasting is an express system which has only one rule: you have to drink water and only water for the duration of the scheme. You may drink water but you must refrain from any food or other drink.

How long to lose 5 kilos with fasting? It takes 3 to 4 days.


Fasting is undoubtedly the fastest speed because you consume any calories so you will manage to lose weight super fast. This is an inexpensive method. The feeling of hunger disappears after three or four days.


This is an extremely fast but very difficult to follow because you will probably be hungry regime. To lose weight fast with fasting, we must be highly motivated . Lack of food is usually accompanied by a decrease in energy levels, fatigue, drowsiness, possible dizziness and a decreased ability to concentrate. This also causes deficiencies of vitamins and minerals as well as a possible loss of muscle tissue. It is best to have a medical follow-up. It is important not to fast for a long time, a few days at most.

Plan No 2: Natman regime

How it works ?

Natman the diet is very short. It is a low calorie diet that lasts only four days. The menus are composed essentially of very high protein foods with some vegetables and fruits. After 4 days, you will continue to lose weight by following a healthy diet and balanced.

How long to lose 5 kilos with Natman regime? With this program, you can lose 4 kilos in just 4 days, although some can lose weight up to 5 kilos in 4 days.


You will not go hungry during the four days and you will not risk deficiencies. This program is easy to set up, simply follow strictly the proposed menu.


This diet is very low in calories so you might feel tired and feel weak. There is also a risk of yoyo because you will manage to lose weight quickly in a very short period. This diet can be repeated only once in a month.

Plan No 3: Cure Detox with Lemon regime

How it works ?

The detox cure lemon diet is based on three liquid to drink a specific recipe of lemonade, salt water and laxative tea herbal. You are only allowed to take three drinks for 10 days without solid food or other beverages. The draining capacity of these 3 drinks allow you to purge your body of toxins and facilitate a rapid weight loss.

Lemon benefits

How long to lose 5 kilos with the lemon diet? It takes about 7 days.


The main benefit is loss of weight very fast which helps stop overnight poor eating habits to get you later on the rails of a better diet. You will need to relearn how to eat healthy at the end of the program to keep your line in time. This diet also rejuvenates your skin by getting rid of toxins, relieves sinusitis and gives you pep.


Among the negative effects, you probably cravings and fatigue. 3 drinks can have a grim side. Possible headache, vomiting, nausea or diarrhea are likely. Some say freezing during this regime.

Plan No 4: The Dukan Diet

How it works ?

It's a high-protein diet that consists of four phases to follow strictly to lose weight fast. So proteins satiate you do not feel the need to eat large quantities. The first phase is called "Attack" is one that helps lose weight quickly. The second phase is to continue to get thinner but more gradually. The last two phases are intended to maintain your new weight in time.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the Dukan diet? With the attack phase, you will lose 5 kilos in 7 days. Note that there is an express version allows the Dukan diet to be even faster.


The Dukan diet is convenient and easy because it does not require you to weigh your food or counting calories. We can consider that this is a quick diet because it makes you lose weight quickly but this program is to follow over several weeks or months depending on the weight you want to reach. You will quickly slim down early then you will learn to eat right then to provide new food bases that allow you to keep the line long. You eliminate junk food from your diet (industrial flat, fat, sugar and alcohol). fast diet


In this diet, you must eat certain specific vegetables or meat which may be considered a limitation for some. There may be some negative effects like constipation, bad breath, dry mouth or oily hair. Dizziness or insomnia are common symptoms of a high protein diet.

Plan No 5: The Cabbage Soup Diet

How it works ?

The cabbage soup diet is a short term scheme of 7 days, low calorie and low fat. The main menu is a cabbage soup that must be taken when you are hungry. This diet is not necessarily punctuated by meals. The cabbage is a negative calorie food, it means that its digestion burns more calories than it contains so you lose weight fast.

Fast diet cabbage soup . How long to lose 5 kilos with the cabbage soup diet? You can lose up to 4 or 5 kilos in the space of a week.


It's a fast and effective regime. It is very easy to do if you have enough will. The miracle soup will be your only food that has a very practical side because you will just prepare in advance several liters of soup you can take to work or office.


This diet is very low in calories and can lead to dizziness. You feel you may be low. You will not take pleasure probably not during this diet because you quickly grow tired of cabbage soup but it must be good. You can break the monotony of taste by adding spices (curry, paprika, peppers ...)

Plan No 6: Cosmonaut regime

How it works ?

It is an express system spanning 3 days. The menu is very restrictive in calories and you will have limited food choices, no sugar, no fat. You basically eat salad, eggs, red meat and fish. You will need to drink plenty of water, 2 to 3 liters per day. Food is grilled in general. Cooking also uses lemon for its benefits .

Fast diet cosmonaut. How long to lose 5 kilos with cosmonaut regime? In three days, you can lose up to 3 kilos. The diet should not be followed more than 3 days.


This is a very fast speed (only 3 days), so it is very easy to follow if you are very involved.


This regime does not lose a lot of weight since he is to follow a very short duration. It is poor in nutrients which can create some shortcomings but it only lasts three days so this aspect is nuanced. Like any fast weight loss, you have to pay attention to the yoyo effect. So you have to motivate yourself during the regime and discipline also after at least 2 weeks in order not to return.

Plan No 7: Dissociated diet

How it works ?

This is a regime that assumes that some foods are fattening when mixed together. so the goal is to make you lose weight by eating a certain food group per day or per meal. There are several types of differentiated regimes, but the operation remains the same: eat only food of the same class.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the Dissociated diet? It takes between 6 and 8 days.


This diet is simple and easy to follow. One day you eat only rice, the next day fresh fruit etc etc. It is effective because you will not feel hunger especially if the food item in question is part of your favorite foods.


With this diet, your body absorbs less varied food which can lead to deficiencies in certain nutrients and a possible weakening of the muscles. This program can be monotonous and can be difficult to follow over a long period.

Plan No 8: The Scarsdale diet

How it works ?

This diet is rich in protein, low in fat and low in carbohydrates. The menus are designed to bring you a specific amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. It is a fast and very structured diet that must be followed for 14 days. Then comes another period of 14 days with much less restrictive but still some recommendations on what you should eat. You eat lots of lean meat and vegetables. Grapefruit is also very present in food meals.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the Scarsdale diet? With this diet, you will succeed in quickly lose weight 4 kilos in the first week. We must therefore count a little more than 7 days to lose 5 kilos then you will come to your balance down about 9 kilos after 2 weeks.


This diet causes significant weight loss in a short time. Like any fast and short course, it is easier not to crack compared to a diet that lasts for several weeks or months. Menus are created in advance so you will need to grind your mind what to do to eat to lose weight. The abundance of proteins limits the feeling of hunger.


The advantages for doing this regime leaves little choice of food and improvisation menus. It involves some risk of acid reflux and could include the renal system to malfunction if followed over a long period. Safe over 2 weeks. This program is very low in calories and you'll miss certain nutrients during this period.

Plan No 9: The grapefruit diet (fruits Cure)

How it works ?

This scheme is typically used by Hollywood actresses to lose weight fast before or during shooting. It takes 10 to 15 days. You eat only fruits for 1 week. Recommended fruits are mostly exotic but all fruits are allowed except bananas. You can eat all you want, but you must consume them in a two-hour interval each time. After 7 days we start to eat normally but being careful.

Quick grapefruit diet. How long to lose 5 kilos with diet holly wood? You can lose up to 4 kilos in 1 week. If you continue this diet with a healthy diet and some exercise, you will lose 5 kilos after 10 days.


By eating natural fruits and kissed vitamins, you will perform a thorough cleaning of your body. This fast diet is easy to follow, it can be practiced anywhere, you just need to bring your fruit with you. This diet is cheap.


You shall eat nothing but fruit for a week, so you will have to face the risk of deficiencies. Other negative effects include fatigue and anemia. It's a good idea to start the 2nd stage with lots of red meat to recover a maximum of red blood cells.

Plan No 10: The High Protein Diet

How it works ?

A high protein diet is a way to rapid weight loss based exclusively on food intake is protein combined with a total restriction of sugar and fat. This leads to ketogenesis which means that the body is forced to burn fat reserves to draw its energy due to greater availability of glucose which is his usual energy fuel.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the protein diet? A weight loss of 5 kg may be obtained in 8 to 10 days.


This is a fast diet that does not lose muscles but removes unsightly fat spread over the body. No hunger, installation easy and flexible, keeps a sparkling skin.


Some negative effects may appear as bad breath, constipation due to a lack of fiber, night cramps and headaches. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended.

Plan No 11: The Soup Diet

How it works ?

This scheme was designed to lose weight quickly persons in need of immediate hospitalization with surgery. There are many variations, but generally the program lasts 7 days you consume a low-calorie soup made ​​of vegetables with slimming properties (onions, celery, cabbage, peppers, tomato ...). This is actually a way to make you eat vegetables and hydrated thoroughly. It is advisable not to mix or grind the soup. This soup is combined with two or three other foods per day (fruits + protein foods). It is often followed by a stabilization phase.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the soup diet? The average weight loss of this scheme is about 3 kilos per week .You lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks especially if you strictly follow the stabilization phase after 7 days.


This diet allows you to lose weight fast if you carefully follow the menus. You can eat as much soup as you want so you will be neither frustrated nor hungry.


The low caloric intake may create fatigue. It is not uncommon to resume kilos once the regime arrested. Knowing this, it is imperative to transit to a nutritious balanced diet but at the end of the regime to maintain the line. Do not repeat your bad habits if you return the lost weight very quickly.

Plan No 12: The Mayo diet

How it works ?

This is a fast regime of 14 days that restricts your caloric intake to 1000 calories a day. For this, you need to eat a lot about 6 eggs per day. You are prohibited from eating certain foods: some dried vegetables, dairy products, starches and fruits except grapefruit. No sugar and no fat.

Lose weight fast at any cost. How long to lose 5 kilos with the Mayo diet? Allow between 10 and 15 days.


There are two main advantages: it is relatively fast and extremely inexpensive diet. Eggs are within reach of every budget and also help bridge the hunger.


This is a boring diet and that can promote the appearance of cholesterol due to high egg consumption.

Plan No 13: The Plan Thonon

How it works ?

The Thonon regime combines a reduction in calories and rich in protein. Menus are developed over a period of 14 days and must be taken at face value. Subsequently, there is a stabilization phase of one week per kilo lost with a specific amount of calories not to exceed to avoid regain lost weight.

How long to lose 5 kilos with Thonon regime? 2 weeks are enough to lose 5 kilos if the menus are strictly followed.


A very effective and fast system that avoids hungry through the joker food that you can eat at will every day. There is also a stabilization phase that will help you avoid the yoyo effect. The high protein intake helps maintain your muscles. Fast diet without yoyo


It is a low calorie diet so you feel may be low. It is not recommended for pregnant women, the elderly and children. This diet is fast and short term, the menus are somewhat varied.

Plan No 14: The Atkins diet

How it works ?

This diet works through exclusion of carbohydrates from your diet. Thus you will reduce drastically all the foods that contain them such as dried vegetables, fruits, milk, whole grains, sugary and starchy foods. You eat a lot of fish, meat and eggs. As for the high protein diet, weight loss is based on the principle of ketogenesis explained above. Your body will draw its energy from your fat stores. This 4-phase program well that to follow several weeks is also ranked in the category of fast diets since the first phase will allow you to lose weight quickly.

How long to lose 5 kilos with the Atkins diet? It takes about 2-3 weeks. Some report a weight loss of about 2-4 kilos in 1 week.


Little or no hunger. This is a quick and effective diet especially the first week then it makes you lose weight more slowly thereafter. It is not necessary to exercise although it is highly recommended. It is well suited to people who are struggling to deprive yourself.


This diet may be incompatible with those with kidney problems and may cause a possible increase in cholesterol. It can be difficult to hold long time. Some deficiencies are overcome with dietary supplements .

Plan No 15: The fiber diet

How it works ?

This low-calorie diet based on a high fiber diet. It provides a contribution of 35 to 50 grams of fiber per day, compared to what normally recommended. The fibers used to lose weight fast because they facilitate intestinal transit and can capture and eliminate fats and sugars. You eat a lot of vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains and cereals.

How long can you lose 5 kilos? It takes about 2 to 3 weeks.


The fibers tend to swell in the stomach which makes satiety, even with a lower calorie intake. The fibers are ideal for proper digestion.


This diet focuses on a certain type of food so the food is not very varied which can make it monotonous. A sudden increase in fiber can sometimes cause bloating and stomach pain.